Page 111 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 111
In a tweet size, who is Tina Von Nekro? Which photographers would you like to work with
Published French pinup Model & Tattooed vixen , any why?
Hair stylist ,Alternative cultur lover, love travelling, My favorite photographers are the ones who have
never without a smile #coveredinglitter a specific identity, who mix creativity and sexy wi-
thin glamorous pictures. I appreciate the real pho-
Do you prefer shooting outdoors or indoors? toshop ART effects too. I have loved working with
I prefer outdoors shootings Alvarado and Viva von Story.. I d like to work with
My boudoir (UK) Clinton lofthouse, travis height,
What did you study? haris Nukem and many more…
History of the art and Hairstylism/wig maker les-
sons Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted
When did you decide to work in the fashion in- It Depends , the first use for me is to create a fan-
dustry? tasy world that makes people dream..
I have been a pin up fan since my teenage years,
I secretly dreamt about being a sexy woman, very Are you an exhibitionist? Do you like it? Thou-
confident, I was so shy.. I started modeling in sands of eyes looking at you, admiring you?
2004 when I met the right photographer. Industry Not really, I’m a quiet and calm person
is low in France for Alt models, it was very cha-
llenging for me to achieve my goals as a model What wouldn’t you do even if you were paid all the
and take a space in this great and hard world. money in the world?
Killing someone, joining an Extremist religion
Why do you like the model/fashion world?
I love playing a role, changing my mind, outfits Name a couple of models you admire or have as
and inspire and help other women with her self a reference?
confidence Masuimi Max, Elvira, Lana del Rey, Micheline Pitt,
the Viking queen, Shelly dinferno …
How do you feel inside a fetish suit wearing 16 cm
heels? What is your definition of beauty?
I feel really sexy with high heels, it doesn’t matter A very smart mind mixed with a big heart and a
which size, but honestly more than 16 cm makes big pair of boobies..XD
me feel like a strong women, really dominative
and indestructible How important is your family?
My family is my best friends and I can do every-
What do you think of latex outfits? thing for the people I love.
It s like a second skin, I can spend the whole day
or night with latex, especially lingerie What historical period would you live in?
The mid-century.. pinup time..
What do you prefer: a normal photoshoot or so-
mething more alternative? Why? How do you see the fetish world today?
I prefer more alternative photoshoots because it I have been seeing the Fetish world evolving for
suits my personality and my dark inspiration years and taking a great place in the Main-stream
cultur even in the Big Vip stars like singers and
Do you do any performances or other artistic actresses or in the movie industry.. Not only this
work? bad imagery about pervers or lost person.. Now it
I did Burlesque shows in the past, but for moment, s a real cultur and look how the latex clothings
because of my job, I am more focused on Hairs- know a great sucess..
tylism, wig making, and photoshootings or clo-
thing shows Talk about your projects for the future?
Travelling more and more, and grow my social
Is the fashion industry cruel with alternative mo- media and collaborate with other brands..
dels? In the future I hope to meet and work with others
For sure yes, mostly because Alt models are not great artists Worldwide
considered to have the right Fashion size stats or
height…it ‘ s ridiculous but that the rules in the Tina Von Nekro
fashion industry ..Life is better on the dark side ;) Bedeseme Team