Page 167 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 167

How would you describe yourself?                        other times I am trying to capture a very specific
       I would describe myself as being a very quiet and       image and while shoot that same setup until I get
       humble person. I tend to be shy at first but with       it. Overall, I would rather spend my time on each
       time I open up and become quite and blast to be         shot.
       around. I love to have fun and laugh. I am always
       up for an adventure.                                    What is your definition of beauty?
                                                               To me beauty is what makes a person who they
       Why a photographer?                                     are. If the person is comfortable with being them-
       I wanted to be a photographer so I could show pe-       selves and showing that to the camera than to me
       ople what I saw in life and how I saw life. I wanted    that’s beauty!
       to take photos of life that others never had the
       chance to see themselves and share that with the        What is more important today: mastering the ca-
       world.                                                  mera or Photoshop?
                                                               Mastering the camera is very important! But kno-
       Is the world ready for your photos?                     wing how to use Photoshop sure helps!
       I think so, I think most of the world is very pro-
       gressive already and feel the world is more than        What equipment do you use? Why?
       ready for anything I can show them.                     I mostly use Nikon gear. My first camera was a
                                                               Nikon. I grew very familiar with the way they feel
       What did you study?                                     and love the after image that they produce.
       I am still currently a college student. I study fo-
       rensic science as my major and plan on working          In the digital era, can anyone be a photographer?
       in the police department to help solve crimes.          I don’t think everyone can but I would never dis-
                                                               courage anyone from trying! Just like drawing,
       What is your favourite theme, PinUp, Latex, Te-         painting, or singing, not everyone can but that
       rror…..?                                                does not mean you shouldn’t just because you
       Latex would have to be my favorite but Terror is        are not a natural. Live your life and have fun!
       right up there with it ! I grew up on horror films
       and love all of them. There is nothing like those       How important are wardrobe and make-up in the
       quiet creepy night home alone just watching a           final result?
       good horror film.                                       Very important, if the time and effort is put into
                                                               wardrobe and make-up before the shoot then less
       Do you believe photography is underestimated            time is spent after in post production. It also really
       and considered a minor art?                             helps so you can see exactly what you want to
       Yes, I do believe it is underestimated, based on        shoot in camera.
       the fact that everyone can pick up a camera and
       snap a picture. There is nothing wrong with that        Is there any person you specially would love to
       of course as art is to each individual their own        have in front of your camera?
       masterpiece but I feel that takes away from pho-        That’s a tough one! There are so many people out
       tography  as  an  art.  Imagine  If  everyone  could    there that I would love to have in front of the ca-
       paint  like  Michelangelo,  we  would  completely       mera.  I  would  love  to  have  Kate  Beckinsale  in
       have a different outlook on say the Sistine Cha-        front of the camera, she is my favorite actress
       pel’s ceiling.                                          ever. I would say Dani Divine or Jade Vixen would
                                                               be my top models to have in front of the camera
       Was it difficult for you gaining the confidence of      but there are so many wonderful models that I
       models?                                                 could never say no to any of them!
       I would not say it was hard. I like to be very open
       and honest in what I do and all all stages I let        And anyone you would not like to take portraits of
       them know what is going on or what I am trying          at all?
       to achieve.                                             Not that I can think of. Everyone has their own be-
                                                               auty. It is up to the photographer to find that be-
       What do you prefer: taking many photographs or          auty and show the world.
       just a few during a session but spend more time
       on each one?                                            B/W or full color pictures? Why?
       I think it depends on what I am trying to achieve,      Depends on the desired image that you want to
       for some shoots I like to take many shots, while        capture. I love B/W for a very emotional image but

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