Page 37 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 37

In a tweet size, who is Shelly Rowledge?                on. So to express that in an image, giving you that
       I am me: a 5’ 6” girl with curves in all the right pla-  feeling of total empowerment in out of this world
       ces as well as seriously inked!                         killer heels, with extra-long toned legs and pert
       I'm fun, quirky, always love a laugh even if it's at    ass… well…. What’s not to love?
       my expense. I am the most easy going person you
       will ever meet, love the party life but prefer chilled  What do you think of latex outfits?
       out cosy life.                                          I love latex outfits! It feels amazing on the skin
       I'm a very hard working ambitious girl who will al-     and to touch. What can I say really: mind-blowing.
       ways  put  my  all  into  everything  I  do.  Love  all  Not only does it give such a great look that crea-
       forms of fashion and style but love to be as uni-       tes or enhances a models figure, but does so wi-
       que as I can.                                           thout full exposure is so damn sexy.
       I'd say I'm quite a creative person in any form ie
       Art, Fashion, Makeup to even DIY.                       Is it easy to stand out in this world, or is every-
       Always aim to please in whatever way I can help         thing already invented?
       whoever I can, however I can.                           I myself feel it is hard to stand out and to be your-
       Love the model/fashion and beauty industry, love        self in this world, as many don't agree on indi-vi-
       how it feels for me and if I can give that to others    duality. They tend to just follow high street looks
       also is an amazing feeling.                             as much as it is more out there now. As an alter-
       Getting a seriously high fetish in latex and cer-       native person, it's still not viewed the same as
       tainly addicted to ink!                                 much as the male model.
       Music is my everything from up-beat to chill out
       tunes.                                                  What do you prefer: a normal photoshoot or so-
       Maybe a few tweets worth in there. C’set moi!           mething more alternative?  Why?
                                                               I do like a ‘normal’ photoshoot working with pho-
       Do you prefer shooting outdoors or indoors?             tographers to give them the best image they in-
       Both!  As  they  can  be  just  as  creative  as  each  tend, but I do much prefer to shoot something
       other, and can have same relaxed atmosphere.            more creative/alternative as I get to express more
                                                               of who I am.
       What did you study?
       All Beauty therapy and training in Hair salon.          Do  you  do  any  performances  or  other  artistic
       When did you decide to work in the fashion in-          I once trained in fire breathing but other things got
       dustry?                                                 in the way and that got put on hold, but it is so-
       About 2 years ago when I was persuaded by many          mething  I’m  considering  getting  back  into  for
       of my close friends to express my individual style.     more creative photoshoots.
       And strangely by a fortune teller: telling me I’m
       doing well in the industry obviously before I even      Is the fashion industry cruel with alternative mo-
       started. Which is a bit creepy now I think about        dels?
       that!                                                   The fashion industry is a lot more open to alter-
                                                               native models now, but it’s still not as out there
       Why do you like the model/fashion world?                as say an everyday ‘good’ looking model. As a fe-
       I’m quite the girlie girl, in that I love fashion, be-  male alternative model it is more difficult to cros-
       auty and individual style in so many ways. From         sover, certainly it appears alternative male models
       shooting fashion, fetish to glamour to just being       are far more accepted in most areas  of the fas-
       me and to actually be credited for it is such an        hion industry now.
       Accomplishment, it's an amazing way to express
       style and being part of it embracing all the cre-       Which photographers would you like to work with
       ativity                                                 any why?
                                                               I wouldn't say there is a specific photographer I’d
       How do you feel inside a fetish suit wearing 16 cm      like to work with. I like to just work with more
       heels?                                                  inked/fetish alternative creative photographers as
       That feeling inside a fetish suit gives such a high     that's where I feel I'm more suited
       not only a totally sexy look and feel, but the exci-
       tement that runs through you.  Of feeling sexy,         Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted
       knowing you look sexy  as hell is a massive turn        reality?

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