Page 53 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 53

Is the fashion industry cruel with the alternative      have been fun… but 99.9999% of the population
       models?                                                 was misera-ble! I’m holding out for the future.
       We don’t think it’s a matter of being cruel. The fe-
       tish world is relatively small, there’s not a lot of    Do any of you do any performances or another ar-
       profit but there are a lot of people who would like     tistic work?
       to get their face out there.                            No.

       Which photographer would you like to work with          How do you see the fetish world today?
       and why?                                                Here in the US there seems to be a lot of potential
       We  really  respect  the  talents  of  our  friends     - people finding out about latex from seeing ce-
       Bommi, CoJac and Ardi Foto and working with             lebrities wearing it, or learning about different as-
       any of them would be an honor.                          pects of fetish through social media channels or
                                                               FetLife.  But  it’s  not  blooming  into  something
       Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted         that’s publicly accessible or leads to a broader
       reality?                                                community. Doors are closed, you “have to know”
       Yes,  but  rather  than  focus  on  the  body-image     and then everything fails to thrive.
       consequences we like to think of the positives of
       creating alternate realities. Bommi took a photo        Which  are  your  interests  apart  from  the  fetish
       of Ian in a Kurage outfit and placed him on ano-        scene?
       ther planet! He likes to travel but this was a new      The world is so big and there is so much to ex-
       experience!                                             plore! We are constantly traveling, getting out into
                                                               the wilderness or exploring big cities, we are in-
       Are you an exhibitionist? Do you like it? Thousand      volved in local politics, love bike rides and visits
       eyes looking you, admiring you?                         to botanical gardens. And everyone knows Shea
       Shea: No, no way! Ian: Yesssss…… but I’m not sure       loves cuddling sheep!
       I've ever had a thousand eyes admiring me! The-
       y’re always checking out Shea!                          Ian & Shea
                                                               Bedeseme Team
       What wouldn’t you do even if you were paid all the
       money in the world?
       Commit suicide, because then we couldn’t spend
       all that money.

       Name a couple of models you admire or have as
       a reference:
       Ian: I could name several dreamy female models,
       but the male model whose style I most wish I
       could pull off is El Rey from Germany.

       Shea: I’m so bad at picking favorites. I’m glad the
       fetish  scene  is  open  to  a  wide  range  of  looks
       among men and women.

       What is your definition of beauty?
       Shea: flowers.

       Ian: bugs.

       If  you  could,  what  historical  period  would  you
       choose to live in?
       Shea: I’m a cyber girl! So the obvious answer is
       The Future! Ian: I’m with Shea. There are times in
       the past I’d love to have been in - but our pers-
       pective isn't reality. Like, if I could have been a lord
       in the court of Louis XIV and had exploits with the
       ladies in the dark cor-ners of a theatre, that would

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