Page 73 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 73

In a tweet size, who is Sancia Black?                   Ever since I was a child and I could pick up a pencil
       A free spirit with a wild heart.                        all I wanted to do was draw. I am now also a cos-
                                                               metic tattoo artist and I am doing an apprentices-
       Do you prefer shooting outdoors or indoors?             hip in tattooing.
                                                               Is the fashion industry cruel with alternative mo-
       What did you study?                                     dels?
       I studied art, business studies, English literature     I do not believe so. There are a lot of alternative
       and sociology                                           fashion designers which stand out to me and have
                                                               huge followings and positivity about them. Ale-
       When did you decide to work in the fashion in-          xander  McQueen,  Vivienne  Westwood  just  to
       dustry?                                                 name a couple.
       January 2017
                                                               Which photographers would you like to work with
       Why do you like the model/fashion world?                any why?
       I have always had a huge passion in the fashion         Hmmm… This is a difficult one now as there are so
       and modelling industry ever since I was a child. It     many extremely talented photographers out there
       had always been a dream of mine.                        worldwide! I think if I really had to name a few I
                                                               would most definitely love to work with Alex Man-
       How do you feel inside a fetish suit wearing 16 cm      fredini in the USA. The erotic nature of his photos
       heels?                                                  are so close to the edge but they have unbelieva-
       I feel on top of the world. When I put on my high       ble class! Scott Cole and Rowan Murray are ano-
       heels I feel like I’m stepping into the most powerful   ther  great  photographers  who  catches  my  eye,
       woman alive.                                            they again have both different yet creative styles
                                                               about them which most definitely appeal to me. I
       What do you think of latex outfits?                     think the other goes without saying that I would
       I adore latex. I love the fact it is different to other  love to work with Andrew Macdonald again as his
       fashions.  It  stands  out,  screams  a  lavishness     ideas are second to none and his presence makes
       about it. It looks and feels fantastic. I don’t think   it so great to work with.
       there are enough words in the dictionary to des-
       cribe the love I have for this material.                Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted
       Is it easy to stand out in this world, or is everything  Not entirely. I think it really does depend on what
       already invented?                                       the photo is used for and what the image is trying
       Yes, absolutely! There are a lot of things that are     to portray. Coming from an artistic background
       already invented in this world but not everything       myself I think in some respects it can benefit a
       is made. I truly believe I was made to stand out in     photo by inserting backgrounds and effects that
       this world. I am a true believer of holding a strong    are harder to create naturally. However, I do believe
       presence. Being you, and by doing that you will         that  models  should  not  be  photo  shopped  too
       stand out and be unique to others.                      much at all.

       What do you prefer: a normal photoshoot or some-        Are you an exhibitionist?  Do you like it?  Thou-
       thing more alternative?  Why?                           sands of eyes looking at you, admiring you?
       Alternative all the way! As mentioned in the pre-       Of course, I wouldn’t model if I didn’t want the
       vious question. There are over 7 billion people in      world to see who I am. Although saying that I think
       this world and I do not pride myself on fitting in. I   in my deeper opinion I like to portray the person I
       love the fact we can be anything we want to be if       am as in to always be and look how you want. Al-
       we set our minds to it. Too many people strive to       ways be yourself and not how society expects you
       look or be someone else, I strive to be me. I do not    to look like. Strive to look and be you.
       follow in others footprints, I create my own.
                                                               What wouldn’t you do even if you were paid all the
       Do  you  do  any  performances  or  other  artistic     money in the world?
       work?                                                   Turn my back on my family and friends. It doesn’t
       Indeed I do! in my spare time I am also an artist. I    matter how much money you have, you can never
       paint and I draw and I like to create anything with     buy love, it’s the most beautiful natural feeling in
       artistic nature. I was born with this inside of me.     the world that money cannot buy.

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