Page 12 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56E
P. 12

in one way or another. I find it very hard to stand     like me anymore. It’s something that has started
       out personally, though I am in the process of rein-     to bother me a lot more recently. I’m always a little
       venting my image and self so maybe I’ll get better      worried that fans will see my pictures and then
       at it. I know a few people who manage to be very        meet me and be completely unimpressed at how
       individual and stand out and that’s what I’m ai-        I look in real life.
       ming for.
                                                               Are you an exhibitionist?  Do you like it?  Thou-
       What do you prefer: a normal photoshoot or so-          sands of eyes looking at you, admiring you?
       mething more alternative?  Why?                         I absolutely love it. I grew up dancing to audien-
       Always alternative, they’re usually more fun, me-       ces on stage and as a kid I was really shy and ner-
       morable and rewarding. I’ve done a lot of normal        vous,  but  once  I  felt  the  crowd  watching  me  I
       shoots and they just all blur together after a while.   became a completely different person. It took a
                                                               while but gradually I managed to let some of that
       Do  you  do  any  performances  or  other  artistic     confidence seep into how I am normally and it’s
       work?                                                   really made my life a lot better. Modelling and sin-
       I do! I’m a musician and I’m currently in two exci-     ging has really helped me with it as well, when I
       ting  projects.  I  sing  and  play  bass  for  my      perform I feel like I could take on the whole world.
       goth/synthpop band Black Light District and I’m
       the vocalist for my new project LVCI. This one is       Name a couple of models you admire or have as
       really exciting because I’m working with some           a reference?
       truly amazing people that I never thought I’d get       I really admire the work of Threnody In Velvet,
       the chance to even meet in my wildest dreams. I         Shelly D’Inferno and Dani Divine.
       can’t talk too much about it though. It’s all very
       top secret!                                             What is your definition of beauty?
                                                               As cliché as it sounds, I find self-confidence to be
       Is the fashion industry cruel with alternative mo-      really beautiful.
       I find the alternative side of things to be much,       How important is your family?
       much easier on models. There’s so much less             Very important, my parents and sister are really
       pressure to fit a certain mould and there’s a lot of    supportive of everything I do. They don’t usually
       artistic freedom.                                       understand my passions but they’re still always
       Personally I’ve never been treated cruelly in any       rooting for me to do well.
                                                               If you could, what historical period would you live
       Which photographers would you like to work with         in?
       any why?                                                Hmmm maybe the 1980’s, for the music and al-
       I’ve been fortunate enough to work with everyone        ternative scenes. Though I don’t think I could live
       that I idolized here in Scotland, I’m planning to       without my iPhone so I’m happy where I am!
       work further afield and collaborate with some of
       my  other  favourite  photogra-phers.  I’d  love  to    How do you see the fetish world today?
       shoot with Tripodskii, he does a lot of cool lingerie   A community full of beautiful and inspiring crea-
       shoots with well-known alt models and I love his        tive and kinky people. For me, fetish events and
       style. My biggest goal right now though is to work      clubs are always the most fun to work at because
       with Jeremy Saffer, he does a lot of the alternative    of the people that go to them.
       band/musician photos magazines like AltPress
       and Metal Hammer. I grew up admiring his pictu-         Talk about your projects for the future?
       res and it would be an absolute dream to get be-        I have my LVCI project that will be doing some
       hind his lens. I have been in talks with him about      very exciting things soon that I can’t dis-close too
       a possible shoot next time I’m in America so that       much. In terms of modelling I’m planning on wor-
       could very well become a reality!                       king at a lot more events and taking part in more
                                                               latex catwalks. Right now I don’t have too much
       Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted         set completely in stone that I can tell you.
       I do, I’ve had so many pictures of myself that have     Luci Fallen
       been changed so much that it doesn’t even look          Bedeseme Team

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