Page 103 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58B
P. 103
In a tweet size, who is Louise de outfits? were paid all the money in the
La Closerie? It is like a second Skin. Just feel world?
Louise de la Closerie is Funny / totally naked and love the sound. Are you talking about fetish part?
Crazy / Wild Girl ! She is a 25 You can really shine in Latex and I don’t have Taboo. And for daily
years old French Girl who is really I love to see some people looking life I never betray my family and
love Latex and BDSM. at me when I am wearing a latex friends.
pants in public.
Do you prefer shoot in outdoors Name a couple of models you
or indoors? Is it easy to stand out in this admire or have as a reference:
I prefer to shoot Indoors with a world or everything is already in- Many on Instagram: Maindenfed
good ambience, light, athmos- vented? for Art – Gummipuppet for Fun –
phere I feel more confortable! But You can always invented Fetish it Missfetilicious for Intensity – I
honestly I never had the chance is an free aristic world where love naturals Fetish Models, not
to shoot outdoors :( so hope everybody can do what they want vulgar.
soon!!!! without judgment.
What is your definition of be-
What did you study? What do you prefer: a normal auty?
I just finished my Master Degrees photoshoot or something more I don’t think that beauty have a
in a Business School. Today I am alternative? Why? definition. Be what you want to
working for Medical Industry. Alternative of course ! I’m an be and you will be shiny.
hyperactif person and I like to
When did you decide to work in shock people. I want to propose How important is your family?
the fashion industry? something new than nobody see Very very important! They are my
My mother was model when she before. This is more interesting balance. All I do is for make my
lived in San Francisco so I grew than normal photoshoot. family proud of me!
up with the fashion around me
and always wanted to be part of Do you do any performances or If you could, what historical pe-
this world! I start shoot just for another artistic work? riod would you choose to live in?
my pleasure and it is a good fa- Unfortunately not. I don’t have The Ancient Rome! With Galdia-
cilities to meet great people in time to work on it. My life running tor fight, eating and driking wine
this community. at 1000 miles/hours!!! But would lying down and make great
love to be a part of an artistic party!!!!! Ahah
Why do you like the model/fas- project.
hion world? How do you see the fetish world
Fashion can make us beautiful. Is the fashion industry cruel with today?
Who don’t like to feel beautiful ? the alternative models? The fetish world starts to be-
Yes, and I don’t like the word “ Al- came considered like the “nor-
How do you feel inside a Latex ternative Model” because who mal” world, there are less and
suit (or another material) and decides what is the norm? and less taboo and it’s very good be-
wearing 16 cm high heels? what is Alternative? cause fetish world is so funny
Feel Powerfull (as a Dom or a not boring like. People are
Sub) and so sexy!!! And Yes, at Which photographer would you friendly and they are telling you
the end of the shoot I feel pain on like to work with and why? how you are.
my foot ahah !! I love wearing le- Roger Ballen – Each of his pictu-
ather cuff collar and harness. res makes sense to me. I like his Tell us about your projects for the
world. future:
Do you think the use of Photos- Not really projects, open for op-
hop has distorted reality? Are you an exhibitionist? Do you portunities (modellings, acting,
Yeah of course ! With Photoshop like it? Thousand eyes looking partying, performing …. )
we show something fake, impos- you, admiring you?
sible in real life. I know that peo- Yes I am! Particulary in Fetish Is there anything else you would
ple want to see beautiful model party like Torture Garden or Was- like to add?
but they want to see real person teland! Which woman doesn’t LOVE YOU – JE VOUS AIME
too! Photoshop killing Art. like to be admiring !
Louise de La Closerie
What do you think about Latex What wouldn’t you do even if you Bedeseme Staff