Page 212 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58B
P. 212
In a tweet size, who’s LatexVogue? sure, why not. But if you mean latex merged with
Terra and Jerry, latex couple from Czech republic, let’s say lacing.. not our cup of tea at this mo-
who enjoys to wear rubber and latex outfits and ment.
also design them.
Where do you get your inspiration to create a new
Is the world ready to use your designs? collection? Which are your major influences?
(Jerry) Definitely :-D Lots of people from all (Jerry) Most of the time, it rises from our own
around the world are already using our designs. need of that particular outfit or accessory.
So definitely YES
Is yours more a fashion brand or a fetish brand?
Is it easy to stand out in this industry? (Terra) We are definitely fetishist from the nature.
(Jerry) Competition is a good thing and it is never So to put the words in right order, we made Fetish
easy to stand out. Our main focus is on the qua- Fashion :-)
lity, we don’t try to over design stuff, but we want
them to be well made. Also we try to focus on Near future plans: what’s on the table for the next
customer service. few months?
(Jerry) We are always trying to push our creative
How do you see the trend in alternative design in minds forward, so definitely working on some-
Europe? Is it still just for a niche market or do you thing new as we speak :-)
think the market is widening and that we’ll see the
day when it’s integrated within everyday clothes? Tell us which are your goals (dreams?) as a de-
(Jerry) Well, the market is more open for sure, signer
more and more people want to try latex, but inte- (Jerry) Nothing spectacular, the best goal for us
grated in general public? Well I think, we have to is to have happy and satisfied customers. Which
wait for that. I think we are managing at 100% :-D
How do you feel about mixing different materials Which celebrity would you love to dress in one of
to make outfits? your creations?
(Terra) If you mean like latex as a base “layer” and (Terra) P!nk would look awesome in our upco-
then some other materials as accessories, then ming collection :-)