Page 169 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58C
P. 169
In a tweet size, how would you I started out as a fast shooter and desires and feeling can
describe yourself? hoping to get just the right shot. come out in an image. This can
A dreamer who wants to change Over the year I began to do more be done by light and shadows,
the way people think about life work in camera and wanted to be camera angles, facial expres-
and reality. patient for that right composi- sions, and posture.
Why did you become a photogra- Do you prefer to shoot in a studio
pher? How do you prepare your ses- or in a location? Why?
I wanted a new career and skill sions? It depends on the effect I want. I
set to learn and master. It was I ask the client or subject what prefer locations typically since I
intriguing to learn about light, they want to achieve in the ses- am an organic guy. A studio is
tech, software, and composition. sion. Then I share my thoughts. more controlled yet clinical. Lo-
Through this conversation we cations are the idea because I
Do you considerer yourself a Fe- have a synthesis of creative want the location to make the
tish photographer? Why? ideas. Most venues can become image rather than the image be
I am curious of and personally a studio for me. more static in a studio.
interested in various types of fe-
tish. Fetish reflects the psycho- How important are wardrobe and What makes you different from
logy of our natural and nurtured make-up in the final result on other photographers?
desires. your images? All photogs are on a spectrum.
It depends on my vision for the Some will take more risk and be
What is your definition of be- composition. For some art more creative. I certainly want to
auty? shows not so much because I shoot anything and everything
Imperfection have different emphases. But for edgy and artsy but for the pur-
others, it is essential if I want to pose of raising awareness and
Do you believe photography is bring out a particular look. I next educating. I have a strong social
underestimated and considered want to shoot a fashion latex activism in me.
a minor art? theme.
Photography is valued and con- What is more important today:
sidered important, but not for the Is it difficult to gain your models’ mastering the camera or Photos-
right reasons. The photog and trust? hop?
viewer see the world very diffe- Not really. I get to know the per- Both are essential. Learning the
rently. son a bit and want to showchase camera tech and being able to
his/her voice and thoughts into shoot more in camera makes PS
Is the world ready for your pho- the session. When they know I easier. As well, PS can minimize
tos? want them to be heard and seen, some camera mistakes. It really
By viewing my photo art shows, they are all in. depends if a photog wants to
the world sees what they did not have a particular style, and then
know they desired. Have you ever run out of inspira- PS becomes more important.
tion during a photoshoot?
What is your favourite shooting No, there are never ending ideas What equipment do you use?
theme? for how to shoot with respect to Why?
I like edgy themes of people in angles, gestures, postures, etc. I I like the Sony a7rII and G series
uncomfortable and artsy por- typically shoot an image and lenses. The sharpness and qua-
traits that invoke thoughts of so- then know I have what I want. lity is unrivaled. They perform in-
cial and personal change credibly well and provide the
whether in the areas of gender Do you like sharing all pictures or tech that helps me take epic
and sexuality to animals and the do you keep some only for you? shots.
enviornment. Anything I shoot is available to
the model. I want them to be In the digital era, can anyone be
What’s your shooting style? Are happy and feel beautiful about a photographer?
you a fast shooter or a slow sho- the process. Anyone can learn a bit of spa-
oter (ie in a session do you take nish, but few can become fluent.
a lot of photographs vs just a few Do you believe that feelings can Anyone can take a picture, but
but spend more time on each be portrayed? few can create and process a
one)? Absolutely. All sorts of moods composition.