Page 9 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58E
P. 9

In a tweet size, who is MissHorror?                     What do you prefer: a normal photoshoot or so-
       I’m a 21 year old Dutch latex/cosplay model, a          mething more alternative?  Why?
       gamer and a 24/7 weirdo who enjoys horror mo-           Look at me and make a decision haha. No, I don’t
       vies.                                                   enjoy/like the normal photoshoots and rather do
                                                               something more alternative since that’s just my
       Do you prefer shooting outdoors or indoors?             style and the person I am. I rather stand there in
       I absolutely prefer shooting outdoors, there is so      my catsuit, high heels and mask than in a flowery
       much to do and play with, so much depth in the          dress in a park.
       pictures and is just speaks more to me.
                                                               Do  you  do  any  performances  or  other  artistic
       What did you study?                                     work?
       I studied for management, but unfortunately it’s        Well I sometimes do catwalks on fetish parties, I
       very hard to get a job in that industry, especially     cosplay at comic/anime conventions and I stream
       for the clothing/makeup style that I have, we do        my games on Twitch if you want to call that artis-
       not have a lot of alternative stores here in the Ne-    tic haha.
                                                               Is the fashion industry cruel with alternative mo-
       When did you decide to work in the fashion in-          dels?
       dustry?                                                 Yes it is. My Instagram account was deleted and
       I actually didn’t start myself, when I was 18 I was     I asked some of the models if they could share my
       asked to do a photoshoot and agreed to do it, I re-     picture to make this known, they had the same
       ally enjoyed it and it gave me a lot of confidence      experience and asked me to do it for them so I did.
       so after that I decided to continue and kind of ro-
       lled in to it.                                          But they just read my message and ignored it.
                                                               And especially for my black/red hair (which I have
       Why do you like the model/fashion world?                had since I was 16) I get compared a lot to Star-
       I love the people I get to meet, I made so many         fucked and Dani Divine while I just try to be my
       new friends in different countries, absolutely love     own  person.  I  don’t  want  to  be  seen  as  a
       the clothing and of course the gorgeous results         copy/paste because I certainly am not.
       we get from the photoshoots, plus I always have
       a lot of fun on set, but when work has to be done       Which photographers would you like to work with
       I’m very serious but apart from that I’m a very         any why?
       outgoing and goofy person.                              I think I had the best experience with Andrew aka
                                                               Killer  Heels  Photography,  just  everything  was
       How do you feel inside a fetish suit wearing 16 cm      planned out, I didn’t need to bring anything except
       heels?                                                  my makeup, he booked the hotel and made sure I
       It feels empowering, like I can take on the world. I    was on time for everything. Definitely my best ex-
       just feel very strong, dominating, sexy and super       perience ever, plus we had a lot of fun during our
       confident.                                              shoots, 14+ outfits in 1,5 days.

       What do you think of latex outfits?                     Do you think the use of Photoshop has distorted
       I absolutely love and adore them and always want        reality?
       more, I can never have enough latex outfits. I even     If you use it heavily then yes, but eventually the
       do most of my cosplays in latex as well, it feels       truth will come out, if people would meet you in
       like a second skin, more like walking around nude       real life and you look nothing like your picture then
       but being shiny haha.                                   yes it will become known. I don’t mind so smoo-
                                                               then my skin a bit, make the colors look brighter,
       Is it easy to stand out in this world, or is every-     but please don’t photoshop 10kg of my body be-
       thing already invented?                                 cause that’s not the person I am.
       Well I started standing out when I was around 4,
       always wanting to wear black and never any co-          Are you an exhibitionist?  Do you like it?  Thou-
       lors except for red. Of course I had different alter-   sands of eyes looking at you, admiring you?
       native styles but never looked like the rest, for me    I am a bit of both, can be an introvert but also an
       this is just who I am and yes that stands out apart     extrovert. I did a catwalk at Wasteland this year in
       from the rest and people see that as well towards       front of 5000 people and it didn’t make me ner-
       my modelling.                                           vous at all, I would be though if I had to speak.

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