Page 155 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58F
P. 155

How would you describe yourself?                        I work as a head storeman in a truck workshop for
       I would describe myself as a rising and hard wor-       several years now. I never was interested in study
       king artist. I do what I love and I love what I do.     for a better job. I always wanted to do something
       That's why every drawing is a piece of myself. I'm      artistic and took the job to finance my dream but
       working hard to raise my name and my art. I'm           become very good in it after all this time.
       open to learn something new every day to be-
       come even better and if I put something in my           What is your favourite theme, PinUp, Latex, Te-
       mind I do everything necessary to make it come          rror…..?
       true.                                                   I love to draw Pin Ups. I lose my track of time
                                                               when I start a new Pin Up drawing. But I also
       Why a Draw?                                             enjoy to draw bdsm art. A bound body in black
       A draw is something timeless. Millions of years         and white is really a thrilling.
       ago the cavemen started to draw and I'm pretty
       sure in the future spacemen will also draw. A draw      How would you define your style?
       will never change in the face of time. It's always      I'm drawing a mix of realistic and cartoon style. I
       good old handwork which needs a artistic talent.        love to mix both styles to create something bet-
       Is the world ready for your art?
       Maybe, maybe not. There always will be people           Do you know.. What to do to sell images?
       who may not understand me and my art. But for           I begun in 2017 to sell my art, mostly on eBay and
       everyone of this there will be ten people who love      now opened my first site. I use a lot of social net-
       my art. This are the people who count.                  works  and  advertisement  websites  to  get  new
                                                               customers and raise my name but it's a long way
       What did you study?                                     to the top and everyday I learn something new.

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