Page 155 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 155

and considered a minor art?
                                                               It is great that everybody can do a photo within
                                                               seconds with a smartphone nowadays. Because
                                                               now the media streams are flooded with average
                                                               photos and the unique ones shine out even more.
                                                               In conclusion, I don’t think good photography is

                                                               Was it difficult for you gaining the confidence of
                                                               Actually not … as mentioned above the models
                                                               tend to like me and my personality. Joking around
                                                               the way I do seems to break the ice and is a huge
                                                               help to get better photos and since I’m doing pho-
                                                               tography  just  for  fun  this  might  be  one  of  the
                                                               most important things for me.

                                                               What do you prefer: taking many photographs or
                                                               just a few during a session but spend more time
                                                               on each one?
                                                               I don’t take that many photos. I’ve a pretty good
                                                               idea how the photo should look before I even start
                                                               hitting the trigger.

       How would you describe yourself?                        What makes you different from other photogra-
       I’d  say  I’m  a  very  structured  guy  with  a  good  phers?
       sense of humor who is constantly joking around.         Variance! There are so many great photographers
       On the other hand, I’m also pretty straight forward     who always do the same! Same light. Same idea.
       – when I don’t like something I tell the person         Same retouch. I try to do something new in every
       what is wrong.                                          project. Of course I’ve certain retouching work-
       Apparently, my models, close friends and family         flows and a certain style, but without making so-
       tend to like this mixture …
                                                               mething  different  every  time  I’d  get  bored  to
       Why a photographer?
       That’s a tough one. I think there is no particular      What is your definition of beauty?
       reason for me to be a photographer. I won’t end         A confidence woman with a great attitude, a tight
       world hunger nor have my photos a deeper mea-           body and some kind of detail that makes here uni-
       I just love creativity, beauty and sharing things       What is more important today: mastering the ca-
       with others. Therefore, I think photography is the      mera or Photoshop?
       best way to combine all this.
                                                               I’m no master of the camera at all. Therefore, I go
                                                               with Photoshop, because it allows me to create
       Is the world ready for your photos?                     things that are almost impossible to capture with
       Yes. My photos are supposed to look cool or kinky       a camera only.
       – I think everybody can work with that.
                                                               What equipment do you use? Why?
       What did you study?                                     A canon 6D, a 50mm and a 25mm lense and some
       Communication design with a focus on interface          random strobes, flashes and light formers – not
       design and advertising.
                                                               much of a photo tech guy …
       What is your favourite theme, PinUp, Latex, Te-         In the digital era, can anyone be a photographer?
       rror…..?                                                Of course! In fact, everybody should be! Some pe-
       Latex for sure! There is nothing compared to that!
                                                               ople will make better photos some will not but
                                                               everybody who does photos does something cre-
       Do you believe photography is underestimated
                                                               ative, which is great.

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