Page 156 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 56B
P. 156

How important are wardrobe and make-up in the           What is the most tedious task in photography?
       final result?                                           Skin retouching – I hate it! Oh, and figuring out
       Wardrobe is SO important. It helps to tell the story    why the damn wireless flash controls wont trigger
       of a photo and to support the model. Make-up is         this time after the worked perfectly fine the past
       also  important  but  since  I’m  not  doing  beauty    hours!
       close-ups it is not as much in focus as the war-
       drobe.                                                  Have you ever dreamt something and when wa-
                                                               king up thought: "I have to express it through a
       Is there any person you specially would love to         picture"?
       have in front of your camera?                           Nope, not really a dreamy guy …
       Yes! From Germany I’d love to work with Tascha
       Megot, Mary Jale and Redsky sometime in the fu-         Future projects?
       ture. Internationally I’d go with Little Vronie, Shelly  I’ve the opportunity to use a cinema hall as a lo-
       D’Inferno and the guys and girls from reflective        cation soon and I’m also planning to do another
       desire.                                                 heavy composing photo project with a dark latex
       And anyone you would not like to take portraits of
       at all?                                                 Future goals?
       Donald Trump!? :D                                       I’m currently looking for latex designer and labels
                                                               whom are interested in support me with outfits.
       B/W or full color pictures? Why?
       As far as I can remember, I only had two black and      And finally, would you like adding something for
       white photo sets – so color all the way!                our readers?
                                                               Thank you to all the models who worked with me
       Your a Fetish photographer and why?                     and made all this projects happen – especially
       I  just  love  everything  about  fetishes.  Not  only  Dawina (Princess Zuleika) and Amelie (Frau Tag-
       latex and bondage – I’m curious and open-min-           traum). Special thanks to Alex (Claw - Couture &
       ded in every direction of the fetish universe and       Lifestyle) who always supported me with latex
       since I’m all about combining things I love is fe-      outfits.
       tish photography a great way to express this. Ne-
       vertheless,  I’m  not  doing  fetish  photos            Patrick Richter
                                                               Bedeseme Team

       How do you prepare your sessions?
       After  I  got  the  idea  I  start  planning.  I’m  doing
       mood boards. Talking to the model way to much.
       Organizing wardrobe and stuff. Creating back up
       plans. And I bite my nails in the hopes, that I ma-
       naged to think it all through this time …

       Have you ever run out of inspiration during a pho-
       When this happens, I usually end the shooting at
       this point because everything I wanted is already
       captured then.

       Do you like sharing all pictures or do you keep
       some only for you?
       Most of the time I share half of the ones I retou-
       ched. Not because I’d like to keep them for, but no
       one wants to see all the photos from the same

       Can feelings be portrayed?
       Yes, all the time! A model always shows her fee-
       lings – if she likes it or not.

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