Page 113 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58C
P. 113
In a tweet size, who is Nea Dune? some amazing images captured impromptu. I
A Croatian chameleon alt model, actress & artist nourish a consistent look IRL and in photos/video
making her way up on Hollywood ranks. so I am always ready!
ABOUT MODELLING & FETISH Is the fashion industry cruel with the alternative
When did you decide to work in the fashion in- models?
dustry? Of course. Alternative is always frowned upon so
It happened by accident really! Back in 2009 a to speak, in one way or another. As something dif-
Croatian alt designer Azdaja asked me to model ferent it defies the traditional notion of modeling,
at her catwalk and I fell in love! but nowadays that line is very blurred with the rise
of plus-size models.
Why do you like the modelling/fashion world?
It gives me the ability to express myself through Do you do any performances or another artistic
style. I was never mainstream and this turned out work?
to be the perfect outlet. Not anymore. As a trained dancer for the majority
Do you prefer shoot outdoors or indoors? of my life I used to compete and perform (aerial
It really depends on the shoot theme, however I arts and ballroom).
simply adore amazing nature locations and stun-
ning architecture. Which photographer would you like to work with
and why?
What do you prefer, a planned photoshoot or so- From the fetish scene definitely Peter Czernich,
mething more impromptu? Why? pinup scene Robert Alvarado, haute scene Ellen
Most of my shoots are planned but I hold dear von Umwerth.