Page 118 - Bedeseme Magazine Issue 58C
P. 118

ABOUT YOURSELF                       heard?                                What is your definition of be-
       If you were far from home and        Of Mice and Men "".                   auty?
       needed to sleep for the night,                                             It truly is in the eye of the be-
       would  you  choose  to  rent  a      Do you still talk to any of your      holder. As an alternative lady I
       crappy motel room for $60 or         ex’s?                                 quickly realized that something
       sleep in your car for free?          Surprisingly, yes!                    I consider beautiful is not al-
       Car. I am no diva =)                                                       ways beauty to someone co-
                                            Where’s  the  last  place  you        ming from mainstream culture.
       Is  there  a  color  shirt  you’d    went?
       NEVER wear?                          Last new place was a beachy           Name a couple of models you
       Maybe brown as I really dislike      shoot location in Rancho Palos        admire or have as a reference:
       that color!                          Verdes.                               I've  always  appreciated  the
                                                                                  works  of  Dita  von  Teese  and
       What  is  your  favourite  video     Are you happy when summer is          Mosh, whom I had the pleasure
       game console? Why?                   coming?                               of meeting on set. I value the
       None. I never became a gamer         Always! Although it gets crazy        models  who,  just  as  I,  have
       despite being a Doom addict as       hot  here  in  Los  Angeles,  but     more than one skillset, whether
       a kid!                               over summer I visit home and          it's  a  lifetime  of  professional
                                            enjoy the Croatian coast.             dance training and bendy body
       Do you like vanilla candles?                                               or  a  scientific  background.  It
       Vanilla  everything!  One  is  al-   What wouldn’t you do even if          really brings originality to the
       ways next to my bed.                 you were paid all the money in        table.
                                            the world?
       Would  you  ever  bleach  your       Anything  degrading.  I'm  a          Tell us about your projects for
       hair platinum blonde?                classy lady.                          the future:
       I  have  and  would  again  for  a                                         I have upcoming editorials for
       good  role!  Rocked  platinum        If you could, what historical pe-     various alternative clothing and
       white hair for Montreal Fetish       riod would you choose to live         accessory brands, LAFW cat-
       Weekend in 2014, and also had        in?                                   walk, fun film projects (inclu-
       it bleached back in 2009 in Ice-     That's a tough one... Egyptian        ding  a  Star  Wars  series  on
       land-my pale self blended well       royalty seems appealing!              bounty  hunters  and  my  own
       with the locals =)                                                         short  film)...  you'll  see  a  lot
                                            What did you study?                   more of my face!
       What did you have for break-         Master degree in Spanish lan-
       fast?                                guage and literature, Informa-        Nea Dune
       Eggs  and  home-made  flax-          tion Sciences, ph.D in the latter.    Bedeseme Staff

       What  time  did  you  wake  up
       Before 7am. Ever since moving
       to  Los  Angeles  I  became  an
       early bird, total opposite from
       living in Europe!

       What was the last movie you
       Red Sparrow. Not a fan of Sla-
       vic-washing though.

       If you could see any musician
       live, front row, who would you
       Kurt with Nirvana.

       What’s  the  last  song  you

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